Living Balanced With Rita

Books for Fitness & Nutrition

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We all start at square one with our knowledge of health, but what matters is our willingness to learn and grow, and one great way to do that is through reading! The books listed here are some of our favorites for fitness and nutrition.


Your Health Has Been Hijacked by Tom Reed “Are you concerned about your health and longevity, and the health of your children AND your children's children? Are you concerned about cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, degenerative arthritis, autism, and the rest of the chronic diseases we hear about so frequently these days? If you are, this book is a must read! What you will find may completely change your view of the causes of these devastating diseases and give you hope for a future of good health and a productive life.”

Wired to Eat by Robb Wolf “The surprising truth is that we are genetically wired to eat more and move less, the exact opposite of the advice we are often given. Now there is a more customized weight loss solution that works with your body, a solution based not on arbitrary restriction of foods but on what works for YOU. Developed by former research biochemist, health expert, and bestselling author Robb Wolf, Wired to Eat offers an eating program, based on groundbreaking research, that will rewire your appetite for weight loss and help you finally determine the optimal foods for your diet and metabolism.”

Supplement Field Guide by Dr. Ashley Cribb “Dr. Ashley Cribb weaves together almost two decades of clinical practice, a vast knowledge of natural remedies, and personal health experience to create a comprehensive yet easily readable resource that lays out the basics of supplementation and gives insight into creating a routine tailored for your individual needs. The Supplement Field Guide not only dives deeper into specific health areas and individual Young Living products, it offers practical advice that you can implement today—protocol suggestions, options for switching from conventional supplements, and more.”

Ancient Einkorn: Today's Staff of Life by D. Gary Young “In this illuminating book, Young LIving's Founder D. Gary Young chronicles the history of ancient grains and tracks their changing relationships with humans, from staff of life to potentially harmful ingredients, hybridized wheat, and genetically modified grains, found in nearly every food product. The book discusses the benefits of einkorn grain, an ancient heirloom grain that remains untouched by hybridization. It also describes how some of the chemicals in our foods today are found to be responsible for health challenges.”

Heidi's Healthy Kitchen: Baking & Cooking with Einkorn by Heidi Ellis “You may have heard of einkorn. You may have heard how much healthier ancient einkorn is over other grains. You might even know how much easier it is to digest and how much better is can be for gluten sensitivity. If you're like most people, venturing into using new grains can be intimidating and frustrating. Have no fear…Heidi is here! Because what you many not know, is how easy it can be to use einkorn in the kitchen.

Heidi takes it one step further and kicks all those unhealthy fats and sugars, like canola oil and refined sugar, to the curb!! Instead, all her recipes are made with coconut oil, honey, coconut sugar, and more. If you want to eat baked goods that are healthy, this is the book for you. If you're looking to live a healthier lifestyle this is the book for you.”

Nutrition 101: Choose Life by Debra Starkey, Sera Johnson, Laura Hopkins, and Karen Hopkins “Biblically based and packed with hands-on activities, science and art projects and nearly 80 family-friendly recipes, this program teaches and reinforces the why's of what we should eat, not just “because I said so.” Containing a complete reference guide filled with nutrition facts, charts, practical tips and an exhaustive index, Nutrition 101: Choose Life! will serve as a constant resource for improved health and abundant living.”

Be Free Cookbook by Codie-lyn Kahler & Gavin Kahler “Be Free: A Family Guidebook to Allergy-Friendly Cooking will get you started on your journey toward creating allergy-friendly meals the whole family will love. Codie-lyn provides you with education on living with food restrictions and cooking delicious meals that are safe for your dietary needs. Gavin shares his favorite tips and recipes for kids living with food restrictions. This guidebook contains 77 recipes ranging from breakfast, lunch and dinner to breads, soups, side dishes, and desserts. There are even some fun recipes for the kids! Each recipe is color-coded showing the allergens it is free from. This makes it easy to identify which recipes meet your dietary needs. You will see it is possible to live a happy, healthy life with Celiac Disease and food allergies and truly, Be Free!”

Aroma Yoga: A Guide for Using Essential Oils in Your Yoga Practice by Tracy Griffiths “Using essential oils in your yoga practice calms and clears your mind and helps you focus on your breath and movement so that you can have a deeper connection to your own true nature. Take the Aroma Yoga journey through the chakra system and learn how Polarity Exercises, specific meditations and affirmations can support your entire body, mind and spirit.”